What Magazines are you reading?

Reading magazines is a great way to stay up to date on culture, trends, news, and fresh ideas. Here are five (actually six) that I recommend you subscribe to: 1. Fast Company- what I believe is the best combination of business and innovation content available. Always great articles and lots of profiles on young business leaders.

2. Paste- if you are a music fan, definitely make sure you are subscribed. Paste is headquartered here in Atlanta, and run by friends Josh Jackson and Nick Purdy.

3. Wired- technology driven magazine. Sometimes a bit too futurist, but always great articles and ideas that are fresh. 

4. GOOD- a relatively new magazine that donates all revenue from subscriptions to several different charitable organizations of your choice. Really good design, and each issue focuses on areas of "social good" in culture, and also innovative trends in grassroots networking and marketing.

5. Risen and Relevant - both considered Christian magazines, even though both take a unique approach in terms of looking at culture and faith. Risen is more interview driven around celebrities, and Relevant focuses primarily on issues for twenty somethings. 

What magazines do you recommend that aren't on this list?