A "Don't Do" List as a Young and Aspiring Leader

For young leaders who are "up and comers," here are a few things to NOT DO as you continue to gain influence, responsibility and authority. DON'T DO THESE:

1. Believe that you are "the answer."

2. Stop honoring those who've laid the groundwork before you.

3. Write off all the folks who finally helped you "arrive," who might suddenly seem insignificant or unimportant.

4. Remove yourself from reality by surrounding yourself with "handlers" and those only interested in being "yes" men and women.

5. Believe the hype and regard yourself as crucial, and ultimately more important than all others, in connection to the success of the organization or project.

6. Adopt a scarcity mindset, believing that everything is a zero sum game.

7. Lose the passion for collaboration and partnership, whether in your community, or industry, or network.

8. Become cynical and pessimistic at every turn.

9. Stop "dating" your spouse and intentionally building into your closest friendships.

10. No longer see learning as a priority since you now know everything.