The Power of a Tribe

Seth Godin's book Tribes is one of my favorite leadership books of the last several years. And just thinking of a couple of examples of a tribe acting together for a greater good in the last couple of days: 1. Jon Acuff challenged his tribe today on his blog Stuff Christians Like to give $30,000 towards building a Kindergarten School for kids in Vietnam. His tribe stepped up: $30,000 raised in 18 hours. Done. And still going. You can get involved.

2. Jeff Shinabarger and I had the pleasure of joining Tony Wood at Generate last Wednesday at Crossroads in Corona, CA. Generate is a gathering of students and young professionals. Jeff mentioned Gift Card Giver and asked students to donate cards to those in need. Over $2500 in used gift cards were gathered from this tribe of young leaders on the spot. Out of their pockets and purses. A tribe that's been taught to be generous.

3. charity: water is up for $100,000 being given by Levi's to a worthy cause. The charity: water tribe has stepped up and passionately voted for the organization, and currently in the lead for the 100 K with 8 days left to vote. And you can vote here. Over 10 million raised for clean water in 3 years by charity: water. The power of a tribe.

4. Thousands attend the i-heart film in theaters across the US and Canada last Wednesday. Hillsong United correctly stewards the power of gathering shown by their tribe into changed hearts, changed perspective and a renewed focus on the least of these. Well done friends, well done.

What are you doing with your tribe?