Catalyst Prayer List

I appreciate the community that has been formed here at On the Journey. And I value your prayers this next week for our entire Catalyst team as we welcome 12,000 leaders to Atlanta. If you have time, would you please lift up these items. Thanks!

  1. health for our team; rest and renewed energy 
  2. wisdom in the messaging/program for the event
  3. Application/Action items from the event- what we want attendees to do when they go home and things to act on
  4. speakers- their content and preparation
  5. safety and protection for people traveling
  6. safety and protection for workers and everyone involved in the event
  7. clear weather all week during Catalyst
  8. attendees- their hearts would be prepared and opened up for being challenged and impacted
  9. God would receive all the Glory
  10. Jesus would be lifted up
  11. Connections would happen among teams who attend, as well as connections with people who don’t even know each other. The power of 12,000 leaders gathering would be exponential in terms of connections and projects post event
  12. The Church would be strengthened and brought together.