A Few Highlights

- Had coffee yesterday with Dave Travis from Leadership Network. Always great catching up with Dave. He is an expert in the church leadership world and knows everybody. Really excited about the Innovation Conference that Leadership Network is hosting in late January in Dallas. Make sure to check it out. It will be a completely different kind of event.  - Lunch earlier in the week with Jeanne and Jarrett Stevens. Jarrett is on staff at North Point, and Jeanne is a writer, communicator, pastor, and hosts all of the Youth Specialties events. Great couple with great thoughts regarding the church and how to engage your neighbors and community. Talked about some fun ideas to work on together in the future. 

- The election has come and gone. Barack Obama won in case you missed it.....

- Had dinner with Mark Sanborn on Thursday night in downtown Atlanta. Mark is the best-selling author of The Fred Factor and numerous other books, a past speaker at Catalyst, and was the emcee of the Maximum Impact Simulcast for many years. Always good to catch up with Mark. He is on the road constantly speaking, and just recently released a new book called The Encore Effect. Highly recommended. 

- Just under two weeks until the first Catalyst One Day event in Granger, IN. The staff at Granger has been amazing to work with. It's no surprise- Granger Community Church is the REAL deal, and their staff is the reason for being such an attractive church body for people in the Granger area. 

- Oklahoma scored 66 points today on Texas A and M. Wow. 

- Had Lanny Donoho over to the office on Tuesday and we recorded an interview for an upcoming Catalyst Podcast. Lanny is working on a number of new projects..... check out their new Big Stuf media site, and make sure to watch the Happy Together video that we showed at Catalyst. 

- There are 46 days until Christmas, and people are already putting up Christmas lights. And the commercials have already started, promoting Christmas specials. Honestly. It's too much. We should all be reminded of what's really important at Christmas. Join the Advent Conspiracy campaign.