Tuesday recommends

1. Books I'm reading: Onward by Howard Schultz. This really is a great book, and lots of practical leadership stuff included.

Torn by Jud Wilhite. Jud is one of my favorite authors, and this is his newest.

Rumors of God by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson. Inspiring, hopeful, and challenging.

2. Songs I'm repeating:

Unending Love from Hillsong Live. Anthem song.

Pumped Up Kicks from Foster the People. New band with great music.

10,000 Reasons from Matt Redman. Instant classic.

3. Blogs I'm visiting:

Mashable- seems like I'm always recommending them, but from a tech standpoint, the best out there.

Perry Noble- great stuff recently.

4. Articles I'm reading:

A Lifestyle of Enough, by Eugene Cho.

5. Video I'm watching:

Adele from the VMA's a couple of days ago. Epic performance.
