6 Warning signs of being too big for your britches

This post ties in directly to the previous post on Accountability. Having someone in our lives who will shoot straight with us is incredibly important. Many times as leaders we start losing a sense of reality and get "too big for your britches," as my grandmother used to say when I was growing up.

Here are a few warning signs of this potentially occurring for leaders. The pitfalls of becoming too much of a prima donna.

1. You feel like you need an entourage. Everywhere you go.

2. You're unreachable. You have so many systems and handlers in place to shield you from the outside world that not even your closest friends can get in touch with you.

3. The only people who get any time with you are those who you need something from or who you see as further up the ladder of success. Anyone "below" you gets pushed off to someone else.

4. You speak and give advice WAY more than you listen and ask questions.

5. You quit laughing consistently, especially at yourself.

6. There are certain jobs or projects that you feel are simply "below" you. You would be offended if someone asked you to do some of these tasks.

Any of these consistently showing up in your world? If so, I recommend you take a chill pill and lighten up!