Visit to Mark Batterson's office

Was in DC last week and had the chance to stop by National Community Church, Ebenezer's Coffeehouse, and ultimately Mark Batterson's office. His office, and all of the NCC's staff, are one block away from Union Station and right across the street from the Securities and Exchange Commission building (which is massive).  Ebenezer's Coffeehouse is the first floor of the church (and basement). The basement also serves as the location for their Saturday night services which are shot in high-def and then shown at other NCC locations around metro DC. They also meet on Sunday mornings at Union Station along with several other locations.

I love the fact that their "Church Building" serves as a coffee house, meeting location, Union Station, and gathering place for people in the neighborhood and community all week. If you are in DC, make sure you go by and visit!

And as you can see from the video, Mark is a reader and constant learner. This is great inspiration to me that I need to be learning constantly!

[vimeo 5873903]