Don't Be Average

Are you just being average? In your job? In your family? Your friendships? Your community? Your Church? Are you typical? common? ordinary? all right? common? decent? moderate? All common synonyms of average. Yuck.

Don't be that person who just does enough to get buy and keep your job for one more day. Don't be that person who everyone says, "yeah, it was an ok presentation, nothing out of the ordinary." Don't be that person who is the last option when it comes to helping out or volunteering because you have a reputation for just showing up but not helping out. Don't be that person who your boss or employer has to painstakingly consider every quarter whether to have a sit down conversation about your performance.... "I like you Bob, but your performance and contribution to the team is just average." Don't be that.

There are way too many average people. Right now, get up, straighten up, stand up, and do something extraordinary. Something outstanding. Make today remarkable.