The Most Difficult Thing in Leadership

So what do you think is the most difficult thing in Leadership today? Casting Vision in a compelling way.

Trusting your team.

Planning for the future.

Motivating your staff.

Saying no.

Saying yes.

Building long-lasting strategic relationships with partners and vendors.


Hiring new talent.

Firing someone.


Making things happen.

Growing the organization.

Investing in the personal and professional growth of your team/organization.

And on and on and on.

In my opinion, one of the most difficult things in leadership is balancing the tension of being friends with your team, while also being their boss and demanding excellence and execution. My theory has always been hire the best, and if they happen to be your friends, that's great.

To me, having your friends on your team is the best scenario. I would much rather have my friends on my team than not. But it creates a constant tension that has to be managed.

What about you? What for you is the most difficult thing in your Leadership realities these days?