Leaders are.....

A few leadership thoughts as we start the week: - Leaders are problem solvers.

- Leaders are not afraid to run straight towards a problem, instead of away from it.

- Leaders step in and solve issues that clear the way for progress.

- Leaders are constantly moving forward, and don't dwell in or on the past.

- Leaders are honest, and in times of crisis, are not afraid to take the heat and be accountable for problems that may not be theirs.

- Leaders are willing to answer lots and lots of questions during times of change and uncertainty.

- Leaders "have the back" of their team members, and always have the best interest of their team in mind. Always.

- Leaders own up to their mistakes. They step up and take the blame.

- Leaders are willing to take risks, and boldly step out even when it doesn't make sense.

- Leaders are trustworthy.

- Leaders have no excuses, and break through to solutions and overcome barriers without complaining or relying on an excuse to protect themselves.

- Leaders pursue visions and dreams bigger than themselves.

- Leaders fight to end injustice and are a voice for the voiceless.

- Leaders are authentic. With great leaders, the more you get to know them, the more you want to follow them.

- Leaders put others before themselves.

- Leaders are passionate about their vocation, and sense of calling. They love the work they get to do.