Interview with best-selling author Tim Sanders

My good friend Tim Sanders has a brand new book out titled Today We Are Rich. This book really serves as a prequel to Tim's first and best-known book Love is the Killer App. This is a book about confidence, and in the book Tim talks about 7 key principles that he learned from his grandmother Billye regarding confidence, essentials he considers life lessons that he promised to her he would never forget.

I had the chance to talk with Tim about the new book, the incredible legacy of his grandmother Billye, some of the ways he's struggled with confidence over the years and how he overcame those areas, what key principles from the book are most important for young next generation leaders, and his favorite music picks right now.



Also, Tim has made available an e-b00k with an extra couple of chapters for free on his website that you should definitely check out and download.

Thanks Tim!!